Thursday 29 October 2009

open day

i saw the gsa vis com open day lecture today (lots of adjectives). i have also become obsessed with finding the official warhammer font for a birthday card.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

I Can't Choose What to Watch on 4od

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photos: private

Sunday 25 October 2009

I'm Blogging Bitches

john tucker MUST die.

The Fish Plaice

Thomas and I went on a fish mission yesterday.

We were going to go down to Byres Road to go to the fishmongers there but typically, it was rainy and windy so we couldn't be arsed.

Google led us to a fishmonger round the corner from us called The Fish Plaice. You walk down a cobbled passageway and end up at a wee shop with fish heads and all sorts outside. Inside there are counters all round the side with lots of different fish to choose from and in the middle there are pigs trotters and half rabbits.

Thomas was feeling rather fragile before we went and even more so afterwards.

The fish was good however being the idiot that I am I didn't get the fillets pinboned and ended up having to spend like 20 minutes hunched over the kitchen counter yanking bones out of the fish myself.

Good times.

Saturday 24 October 2009

The Beginning

So we have started a blog to document the happenings of the zine that we are in the process of making.

It might be a one off. It might not be.

It's all rather exciting and new so stay tuned!